The EPC Brisbane Congregation is an Evangelical Church in Brisbane. We understand that when visiting a new church you will probably meet unfamiliar people and worship style. So, please take a look at the outline of what to expect as we worship God together.
Worship Service
The worship services begin at 10am and 4pm. From the opening prayer to the closing prayer is about 75 minutes.
We respectfully ask that visitors arrive early. The congregation will be seated, waiting for worship to begin. Worship commences when the Pastor opens with prayer.
During this time, we honour and worship God by singing Psalms, praying, reading God’s Word (the Bible), and receiving Gospel preaching. These elements of worship are drawn directly from God’s instruction in the Bible. Reverence and glory is given to our Holy and Almighty God. Previous visitors have remarked at how still and quiet worship is. Psalm 46:10
The preaching is only out of the Bible, because the Bible teaches that Gospel preaching, IS “the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16-17). God speaks to our hearts out of His Word, and all the Bible is centred in the person and work of Jesus Christ, who is our Saviour and King.
The Pastor usually progresses through a book of the Bible, drawing instruction, revelation and comfort for all who hear. The sermons are taken from both Old Testament and New Testament texts. Please visit the sermon page for previously recorded sermons.
We sing from the 1650 Scottish Psalter – The Psalms of David in Metre. The congregation sings a cappella ie. without musical instrument accompaniment, only the instrument of human voice. A precentor leads the congregation in Psalm singing, for tune and timing.
The EPC of A reads from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. The KJV continues as one of the most widely read Bible versions, and we believe it to be one of the most faithful translations.
Collection of free-will offerings is by box at the back of the worship room. Visitors are welcome to give to the offering, but there is no obligation for visitors.

After the morning service, all are welcome to enjoy a time of fellowship. On some Sunday mornings we have a forum afterwards also, which you are welcome to attend. There’s an enclosed yard in which parents can keep an eye on their children. People will usually stay a while to chat.