

Welcome. If you are visiting the area, would like to know more about Christianity, or looking for a church home, we invite you to worship with us.

If visiting, you can expect to meet many people from all walks of life.  The office bearers in this church are the men who have been ordained or appointed to serve this congregation.

Feel free to seek us out, if we don’t get to you first!

Pastor David Torlach

David Torlach is married to Ruth (for 32 years) and they have 5 children (all married) and 9 grandchildren.

Initially trained in medicine, David worked as a medical doctor for 17 years. He trained in surgery, then worked in emergency medicine for 10 years, before the Lord called him to be a minister of the Word.

He completed pre-seminary training under the oversight of the Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, including three years in the seminary of the Protestant Reformed Churches in America, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

He was called and ordained into the pastoral ministry in 2011, and served for about five years in Winnaleah, Tasmania, before being called to his current pastorate here in Brisbane in late 2015. He loves the Reformed faith, which glorifies God and upholds our Lord Jesus, and the privilege of ministering to the sheep of Christ’s church.

In his spare time, he enjoys ocean-side walks with Ruth, and they love to visit their children and grandchildren in Tasmania when they can.

Elder Philip Greatbatch

Elder Philip is married with four adult children and eight grandchildren.

He is currently working in the medical diagnostic imaging industry and is thankful for the Lord’s provision for the church and his family.

Philip has been a member of the church for most of his life.

He believes that faith is essential for spiritual and physical life. Without faith, no-one can be joined to God or believe in Him.

Philip has a diverse range of interests and enjoys reading and studying articles related to God’s creation, including astronomy, physics, earth science and history.

Elder Peter Torlach

Elder Peter Torlach

Elder Peter Torlach is in his 60th year of marriage to Denise. They have 4 children, 14 grandchildren, and 9 great-grandchildren.

Peter was a Licensed Land Surveyor and Construction Surveyor for over 40 years – hence the skin damage from the sun.

Anglican in childhood and youth, he was brought by sovereign grace to repentance and faith in the Redeemer in the 1960s.

He has been an Elder in the Brisbane Congregation for over 40 years.

With thankfulness to our Lord, he highly esteems those who compiled out of the scriptures the Westminster Confession and its 2 Catechisms, The Form, and the Directory.

Reading of and from the Presbyterian and Reformed men of Scotland and England of the 1500s and 1600s has been a delight; likewise, the men of the Free Presbyterian Church who figured in the times of the necessary disruption of 1843.   

Deacon Cameron Hope

Cameron is married to Fiona and they have one teenage son.
After a career in banking and bookkeeping, Cameron is now retired, having recently turned 70.
He has been a member of the Brisbane congregation for the last 27 years, and a Deacon for over 21 years.  He has held the position of Treasurer of the Deacon’s Court for the last 13 years, and we are very thankful for his service.