- 10am and 4pm
- PLEASE NOTE: Worship services are streamed live where possible.
- Regular worship services are currently held at the Mount Ommaney Special School.
- For more information please email us

WELCOME to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church Brisbane.
If you are visiting in the area, or looking for a church home, or would like to know more about Christianity, you are warmly invited to worship with us.
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church is a Christian church. The EPCA believes that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God; its people embrace the Lord Jesus Christ alone as the mighty Saviour of sinners.
We are committed to historic, biblical Christianity. We believe that the Bible reveals what we should believe, how we worship, and how the Church is organised. And we believe that the Bible teaches that salvation is, from beginning to end, a gift of God’s pure mercy and grace to people who deserve His just judgement.
We also believe that a faithful church should confess the Christian faith before the world. We do this by the public worship of God, and by the witness of our members in their communities.
If you visit
We hope you will find us genuinely committed to our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. You will find families and people who are imperfectly but sincerely loving Him and one another. We also hope you find us seeking to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ, and desiring to be more like Him and to walk more obediently as His disciples.
We know, by experience, how sin ruins lives and relationships (with God and each other). But we also know by joyful experience that Jesus Christ and His truth is the remedy for our sin problem. We give God praise and thanks for His salvation. We are keen to tell others about God. He rescued and helped us when we didn’t deserve His kindness, and we believe He will assuredly forgive and bless all who sincerely come to Him.
We extend to you our friendship and what we have learned about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
You will be welcomed and cared for by the Brisbane congregation that is saved by grace, and gathered together in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia.